Why is an Asbestos Re-Inspection Survey Important?
An asbestos re-inspection survey is designed to spot potential problems with materials that may pose a threat to people living or working near or within your building.
Although an asbestos management survey (or a previous re-inspection) shows the location and condition of a material, they only offer a snapshot at that particular moment in time. It is common that building materials are subject to wear and tear and may begin to deteriorate and break-down. The difference with asbestos containing materials (ACMs) is that once damaged, they have the potential to release fibres and damage the health of anyone who inhales them.
Keeping up-to-date with the condition of ACMs is of great importance for ensuring peoples’ safety and well-being. Auckland Asbestos Surveys recommend that a Re-inspection is carried out every 6-12 months. Our approach, procedures and checks ensure that a re-inspection survey is not an overly costly or time-consuming task.